Large Projects


The following section are Illustrations I’ve done for the series Red Fox Rising by Daren “Chuck” Olson and his niece Lauren Olson. The story follows a girl named Hannah who must go on a perilous journey to discover her true identity through the help of her little animal friends and unique abilities.


Ingame Assets

Far Away From Home is a driven tactical RPG set to release in Summer 2022. I was hired on by the main Dev Matthew Wong to illustrate the character and prop portraits. I did them all in the course of a month with a set schedule.

Dragonropa Fangame

Ingame Backgrounds

5 out of 20 Backgrounds featured from a fangame I am still currently drawing assets for. All of these were made using 3D blockouts and Procreate.


Character Design - Elark

Character Banners



Gallery of the Deep

A short film about the critic and the critiqued…

Gallery of the Deep is a project I took on my senior year of college. It was my first real experience with 2-D animation and one of the many experiences I’ve had with story telling.

The short film features a fish critic whose main role is to critique the galleries of his fellow fish folk. After giving out a handful of negative reviews, he has one more gallery to visit. The last gallery is like no other he’s ever seen, and upon venturing inside, he discovers he may meet an unfortunate end.

Concept Art

The project went through many phases. I changed the story a number of times and these are all works from those times. I also have different sketches as I began to discover who I wanted my characters to be based on the story.


General Illustration


Graphic Design