NiL Afterlife

If there was no death, would there still be life?

Above is a themed quote from NIL, a story I have been wanting to write for years and have begun officially creating in the last few months. It will be a 3 part comic series starting with its epilogue NIL Afterlife, a story based around the happenings of Soren Yonan, a young teen growing up with his unusual uncle Xie amidst an epidemic with a peculiar history. For a while everything seems as normal as it can be under the circumstances, but as time becomes less recognizable, the situation is dire, and Soren must look within himself to find answers to a better world, a world of fantasy, the world of NIL.

Here I have included some of the illustrations and concepts I have created thus far for the series, all of which including its characters and some settings. I hope to have it on webtoon when I’ve finished illustrating its first season. The story will be divided into 3 sections, NiL Origins, NiL Escape from Ado, and NiL Afterlife.

NIL Characters


Soren Yonan

Soren is the main protagonist of NIL: Afterlife. Following the deaths of his parents, Soren lives out his younger years with his uncle Xie in a small lake side town in Southern Idaho. One day Soren is thrown for a loop when following the night of a party he hosted, his best friend Tristan is reported missing.


Xie Ohad

Xie, short for Xiearr, is another main character in NIL Afterlife, as well as the main protagonist of NIL Escape from Ado and a minor character in NIL Origins. Most of what we know of Xie involves his life as a small town shop owner and local officer in Mccall, Idaho. His business is popularized by his odd appearance and unique crafting abilities.


Roralie Ohad

Roralie is the main character of NIL Origins and a minor character in both NIL Afterlife and NIL Escape from Ado. Having died during the first outbreak, the reason for her death is widely misunderstood by most the public that knew her, including Soren, her only son.

Mikki Yonan

Mikki, a nickname for Mikshi is a main character in NIL Escape from Ado, as well as a side character in NIL Origins and a minor character in NIL Afterlife. Mikshi’s cause of death is mysterious like his wife Roralie’s, but most of his life is known by his past as the writer of a comic published in the early 2000s that is discovered by his son Soren through the internet.



An Official Concept Art and Illustration Collection


General Illustration